There's Training, and Then There's Training
Just the bullet points, ma'am. Quick Hit Pro Tips on training others.
A few tips for coaching/training others:
1. Ask questions that start with “how” and “what”. Avoiding “why” questions will reduce defensiveness in others.
2. Instead of asking, “Do you have any questions?” ask the individual for one question or one comment. Ask always for a specific number, otherwise what you'll get is a “no” and you’ll move on prematurely.
3. Never say, “I know this is a lot to digest.” The reason? If you feel the need to say this, you have not been an effective coach. Instead, ask for input along the way. Check for understanding (i.e. on a scale of 1 to 10...), practice and review before moving on. Think of it this way: you can spend two hours efficiently flying through an SOP or data entry program and have someone understand, retain, and able to apply 30%. Or, you can be both effective and efficient, covering only one hour’s worth, but enable them to understand, retain, and apply 75%.
4. Resist the urge to step in. When you're ready to step in and “help,” stop. Count slowly from 1 to 10. Then act if you choose. Remember, if we want a task completed to the best of someone's ability, give them the opportunity to use their ability.
5. Have adult to adult conversations. It's easy when we have a certain way of doing something that we somehow that somehow it becomes the “right way.” To empower others, one must let go of control, power, and judgement.
Interested in better facilitation, better techniques, and more successful transfer of training into the workplace? Grab your free TurnBoot guide, written by Dr. Jeremy Lucabaugh: 10 Training & Workshop Tactics for Impact That Turn Employee Learning into Behavior.